
Grails in a J2EE world - RMI @ GroovyMag

In this month's GroovyMag I talk about using Grails code from a J2EE application using RMI. It's some practical work with the remoting plugin. Thanks again to Craig Wickesser for editing.

This is my last installment in the Grails in a J2EE world series. I had specifically been inspired to write these articles by several developers I had met over the last year that are interested in introducing Grails but who are also maintaining infrastructures that are built on EJB2. Yes, that's right... EJB2. I did not have time or space to cover every aspect that I wanted to, but, I hope that those of you that are in that particular boat and are interested in Grails can use these articles as a starting point for bringing Grails into your organizations.

Please head over to GroovyMag and check out the article. Feel free to give me some feedback below about the article. Together we can help cover this topic area better.
