
Simple Grails Plugin Repository Mirror Script

We needed a local offline repository for Grails plugins. I thought this would be a good chance to contribute a grails application to the community. It turns out there already is one called plugrepo that you can just download and use.

The plugrepo grails application is a very nice looking and if I'd known about it I wouldn't have spent the effort building my own.

What started this is a command line Groovy script I had hooked to a cron job on our Ubuntu Linux Apache server to create a mirror. I'll go ahead and post this here in case someone would rather have a flat Apache served archive... otherwise take a look at plugrepo.

To use the archive setup your grails app with this additional configuration file:

// grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy

The following groovy script is meant to be run on the Ubuntu command line and
populate the /var/www/grails directory as if it were a grails plugin repository.

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
* Shawn Hartsock
* This is a quick and dirty Groovy CLI script for creating Grails plugin
* repository mirrors.

def uri = "http://myhostname.test.com/grails"
def destinationRoot = "/var/www/grails"
def version = "grails-1.1.1"
def separator = System.getProperty("file.separator")
def latestOnly = true

if(!args) {
println """

this script is designed to take plugins-list.xml files (as arguments) from
a ~${separator}grails${separator}1.1.1 (or other version) folder and download each
plugin to the $root working directory.

It will then output a modified a $destinationRoot${separator}.plugin-meta${separator}plugins-list.xml
file modified to reflect the new locations of the files.


try {
def destination = destinationRoot + separator + version
new File(destination).mkdir()
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
List files = []
args.each { arg ->
if(arg == "-a") {
latestOnly = false
if(new File(arg).exists()) {
xml.plugins(revision:2) {
files.each { file ->
process(file, destination, separator, uri + "/" + version, xml, latestOnly)
new File(destinationRoot + separator + ".plugin-meta").mkdir()
def outFile = destinationRoot + separator + ".plugin-meta" + separator + "plugins-list.xml"
def out = new File( outFile )
if(out.exists()) {
if(out.delete()) {
out = new File( outFile )

out << writer.toString()
} catch(Exception ex) {

void process(String fileName, String destination, String separator, String uri, xml, latestOnly) throws Exception {
def text = new File(fileName).text // may throw file access exceptions
def plugins
try {
plugins = new XmlParser().parseText(text)
assert plugins?.plugin.size() > 0
assert plugins.plugin[0].release != null
assert plugins.plugin[0].release.file != null
} catch(java.lang.AssertionError ae) {
throw new Exception("File $fileName does not contain plugin definitions: " + ae.message)
} catch(Exception ex) {
throw new Exception("File $fileName could not be parsed as plugin XML: " + ex.message)
println "${plugins.plugin.size()} plugins found in $fileName "
println "\t"
plugins.plugin.each { p ->
xml.plugin( name:p.'@name', 'latest-release':p.'@latest-release') {
p.release.each { r ->
def get = true
if(latestOnly) get = (r.'@version' == p.'@latest-release')?true:false
if(get) {
def f = download(r.file.text(), destination, separator)
if( f ) {
def url = uri + "/" + f
println "\tregistering:\n\t " + url
release(type:r.'@type',tag:r.'@tag',version:r.'@version') {

def download(String urlString, String dest, String separator) {
// note: this is a web URL so you tokenize on "/" not file.separator
def fileName = urlString.tokenize("/")[-1] // last name on URL
def destFileName = dest + separator + fileName
if( new File(destFileName).exists() ) {
println "\t $destFileName already present in the repository"
return fileName
print "\tdownloading $fileName to $dest directory\t"
def file = new FileOutputStream( destFileName )
def out = new BufferedOutputStream(file)
out << new URL(urlString).openStream()
println "."
return fileName