I will revisit both pyVmomi and rbVmomi in February of 2015 and update the projects respective time lines when I gain clarity on what can be done and how long it will take.
It is important to note that these particular versions of these projects are not officially supported VMware products and do not have purchasable support plans at this time. I will continue advocating inside VMware for the inclusion of these Open Source projects as part of the over-all product suite and API plans, however, at the moment these are Flings under the VMware labs umbrella.
I have truly relished working on pyVmomi in this very open manner and I'm actively looking for ways to make the best parts of this project parts of every project that I work on. I have already presented to various groups the wonderful lessons we've learned from both pyVmomi and rbVmomi. I feel some of my audiences were truly enlightened by my frank assessments of the lives of both these projects.
That reaction to these experiments encourages me in my pursuit of finding better ways to make impactful software. What every developer should be after is impact, not volume. We should pursue not creating more code, nor more refined code, but creating code that makes a bigger impact with lesser effort. By the term 'impact' I mean various permutations of the words 'useful', 'efficient', 'important', 'delightful', and 'powerful'.
I will post more updates in the first three months of 2015 as I have them. Progress will be quite slow between now and then as I will have to address a number of other duties and deadlines. Happy New Year to you all and I look forward to getting back down to business in 2015.