
Why A WorkFlow Engine?

Different problems lend themselves to expression in different languages. There are points at which a new tool is beneficial. Too many tools means that there are too many things to learn and that complicate work unnecessarily.

Consider the simplicity of chopsticks versus the complexity and elegance of formal cutlery as demanded by a formal table setting. Different utensils for salad, soup, main-course, dessert, and to stir your coffee or tea versus one pair of utensils for absolutely everything. Which is better?

Don't fall into the "hammer" problem, that's where you see every thing as a nail needing to be hammered. Yet, keep away from the Victorian table setting if at all possible. We have chosen to simplify Business Process Design at the expense of adding a new tool to learn. The tools are simple enough but will take time to learn how to use well.

And, if you missed it: Java is the chopsticks and jBPM is one utensil in a very big cutlery set.