
Lessons learned...

A short list of things I have done wrong recently...

  • Working in GORM/Hibernate if you provide a mapping DSL and intend on your class to move between databases do not assume the default "hilo" algorithm will work on all databases. See id generator documentation at hibernate.org

  • Do not assume that you can throw classes up and down an inheritance hierarchy in Hibernate. For example:

    class Person {
    Long id
    String name
    class Parent extends Person {
    static hasMany = ['kids':Person]

    ... you need to do this to turn a "person" into a "parent"

    def makeParent = {
    Person.executeUpdate( "update versioned Person as p set p.class =:clazz where p.id =:id", [clazz:Parent.class.getName(),id:params.id.toLong()] )
    def parent = Parent.get(params.id)
    if(!parent) {
    flash.message = "Person not found with id ${params.id}"
    else {

    ... other techniques to do this create a new object with a new id. That means you can't model a "parent" to "child" relationship this way. Instead turn the relationship around ...

    class Person {
    Long id
    String name
    static hasMany = ['parents':Person]

    ... or create a bridge object...

    class Person {
    Long id
    String name
    class Relationship {
    Person parent
    Person child

    ... and that works much better.

  • Do not lock in a domain model based on "big design first" principles. Domain may have to change to fit reality of your system. Sometimes you don't really understand the problem on day 1 or day 10.

  • Do not release big, release small, release frequently. It's better to get tiny releases and adjust course in small increments rather than have "big bang" releases.

  • Coding and posting while tired only lead to messes you have to clean up later.

  • Do not ignore your email.

Hopefully, the insanity has passed.