
Fun with Groovy and the Reflection API

Here's the scenario: You've got dates in the format "MM/dd/yyyy" to be parsed and turned into a real Date object. You would parse the date like so:

public Date format(String str) {
def format = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM/dd/yyyy" )
return format.parse(str)

public String format(Date date) {
def format = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM/dd/yyyy" )
return format.format(date)

And you have hundreds of collections of Java and Groovy objects that your library could be potentially mapping from hashes that look something like this:

["foo":[ "id" : "5", "started":"12/11/2007", "name":"bob" ]]

You could write a switch statement for each of these... or you could go and ask the class defintions for what the types of foo.id and foo.started are. But if you do this:

class Foo {
Long id
Date started
String name
def foo = new Foo()
println foo.started.getClass()

... that println will print "null" because the started object is set to null. So how do I know if "started" is a date or not? I need to know the type on the other side of the "started" member. It would be nice to have a reverse mapping I could use... so I wrote this:

def getTypeMap(Class clazz) {
def typeMap = [:]
def members = clazz.getDeclaredFields()
members.each( {
m ->
typeMap[m.getName()] = m.getType()
} )
return typeMap

... now you can ask the type of a field like so ...

def classOf(Class clazz, field) {
def typeMap = getTypeMap(clazz)
if(typeMap.containsKey(field)) {
return typeMap[field]
else {
return null

... to get the type of the field on the class you are working with... in a loop you would...

def params = ["id":"5","started":"12/11/2007","name":"bob"]
def foo = new Foo()
params.each({ key,val ->
def clazz = classOf(foo.getClass(),key)
if(clazz && clazz != Date.class) {
foo[key] = clazz.newInstance(val)
else if(clazz) {
foo[key] = (Date) format(val)

Presuming you knew that all the values of "val" were strings and all the members in "Foo" had constructors that could handle a string argument intelligently. I cache up the type map else where so that the real production classOf doesn't build a new type map on each pass.

But now I can map from arbitrary strings into real objects and back without having to specify a "mapping" for each object.